The Edge Above the Rest
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The Edge Above the Rest
0458 475 372
landscape kerbing services

    Experienced and professional landscape kerbing in Mandurah

    Not everyone appreciates the difference that a professionally kerbed garden can make to the external aesthetics of your home. Do you want your garden to stand out as being tidy and well maintained, even though you may have very little time for maintenance yourself? Do you want your garden to have the edge above the rest? If so, Landscape Kerbing can help.

    The benefits of landscaping kerbing

    Kerbs help to give crisp lines, whether straight or curved or even higgledy-piggledy, to show off your garden design in its full glory. Kerbs can also help to create a useful barrier between the garden and the path or road, improve access to the difficult-to-reach central parts of flower beds or vegetable plots, and even help with drainage and weed maintenance.

    In short, a professionally kerbed garden not only enhances garden contours, but it can also add value to your property as well as making it more saleable.

    The landscape kerbing experts

    After spending a lot of time, effort and money getting your garden into ship-shape condition, it's worth having kerbs professionally fitted to finish the job off nicely. We do this by defining the different areas in your garden design and forming clear boundaries between them, and between the different mediums you may have used such as grass, gravel and soil. Not only does this look attractive, but it also keeps your garden bed neatly contained.

    Call us today on 0458 475 372 for more information! 

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